Abbie Hine

Abbie is a marine educator who has spent 14 years teaching people of all ages and abilities – and many more years submerged, passionately embracing everything related to the marine world. Currently she works as the adviser for the Save Our Seas Foundation’s (SOSF) Island School Project, which developed out of the SOSF marine awareness initiative that she has coordinated since it was established in the Seychelles in 2010.

The association between Abbie and the SOSF began in Saudi Arabia in 2009, when she worked on a reef rehabilitation and education project. The education element expanded and she moved to the Seychelles in 2010. Over the years Abbie has worked in a number of different countries on coral reef expeditions and reef rehabilitation projects. The work has entailed coordinating volunteers, conducting surveys and science training, liaising with local partners and providing advice on coastal management issues. Projects that she has been involved with include coral recruitment, reef monitoring, turtle nesting surveys, research into manta rays and whale sharks, and fish identification, abundance and diversity studies. She has also worked as a marine biologist and environmental adviser for luxury resorts.

In addition to working with the Island School Project, Abbie is the founder and managing director of WiseOceans Ltd, a marine and conservation company, and the operations manager for the Manta Trust, a leading organisation in manta ray conservation that works in partnership with the SOSF.